
Living a Frugal Lifestyle

70 Solutions

This page contains the following solutions.

February 2, 2011

When my husband recently had shoulder surgery and found out he would be off work most of the year, we were forced to cut back and live frugal.


July 12, 2016

Yes! I do believe in frugal living. I think it does not matter whether you earn more or less, but keep an economical approach towards our expenses helps us in reducing financial stress. Definitely, living a frugal life requires certain lifestyle changes and a conscious awareness about how we are spending and saving money?


My idea of thrifty living comprises basic three principles: Smart shopping, use appropriately to waste less and save in advance.

Easy Ways to Live a Frugal Life


April 24, 2007

Cut those expenses in half, redirect your disposable income, decrease your stress, change your spending habits, live a thrifty fun life well below your means and budget now to be financially free later.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
November 1, 2010

I pass the buck on expensive laundry detergent, and use my favorite dish washing liquid that I do hand washing in anyway. I use the extra money from not buying the laundry detergent and pass the buck over to fabric softener.


June 4, 2010

I grew up in a very frugal home. Although both of my parents worked, they were both very frugal and cost cutting. We kids didn't get what we wanted all the time, and we knew not to bug our parents at the store to buy a toy or candy.


That is just the way it was.


June 14, 2018

My family had many frugal sayings but my favorite was "No money leaves this house!" The house was paid for, my parents had good jobs, yet they still embraced a very frugal lifestyle to ensure they didn't worry about bills, didn't acquire a lot of stuff, and used everything they had. It enabled them to live their dream of traveling.

A green salad with fresh ingredients and purple flowers.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 163 Posts
April 15, 2010

Living a frugal life is a true reality in these economical times. No one has money to spend. Here are some things my husband and I have done and continue to do to help out our budget.


December 21, 2010

Once you learn how to bathe yourself sparkly clean AND wash and rinse your hair clean by using one small galvanized bucket of hot water, I think a lifetime of frugality is required.

pile of firewood rounds


February 23, 2016

A friend of mine, for as long as I can remember, would say, "A loaf of bread costs what it costs, and you can eat only so much bread. Why would you buy more bread then you could ever use?". In my younger years I would chuckle to myself.

Loaves of bread


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
October 26, 2011

Yes, I am an old school Star Trek fan. "These are the voyages of the . . ." Oh ok, I will come back down to Earth for a moment and talk about how I am feeding my family.

A space ship shooting potatoes with a laser beam.


August 14, 2006

I went out into the world and started supporting myself at age 15. At age 22, after a disastrous teenage marriage, I became a single mom and learned frugality out of necessity.


January 23, 2013

Living frugal can be a very simple, yet rewarding change in your lifestyle. I used to think that meant eating rabbit food and living in bamboo huts.


Me, in a loincloth? Never! But it's actually very easy to do and you don't have to give up the things you love.

Watering The Garden


May 25, 2006

My first career was as a musician. Despite some good breaks and a substantial amount of business success, music was basically a hand-to-mouth existence. So I learned to manage on the little money that I had.


September 16, 2011

I'm surviving the current economic times by using coupons on everything I can. One grocery store puts out a $10 coupon off a $50 gas card if you purchase $25 in groceries in their store.


That is not difficult and you can use coupons on the $25 order.


March 28, 2011

I have considered myself a thrifty or frugal person my whole life. As a child, I would collect cans for extra money and visit neighborhood garage sales for toys I wanted.


April 20, 2015

I will stock up and buy three of anything to keep me from running out too fast. Tonight, they had soap on sale for 99 cents, so I bought 8 bottles. There can never be too much dish soap.

Bottles of dish soap on sale.


April 9, 2010

I think anyone living on this earth should be at least somewhat frugal, but not be too extreme.The bottom line is that, Yes: we should live frugally, but No: we should not become slaves to a frugal lifestyle to the point where life becomes "I have to."


June 22, 2008

I think some people get discouraged with frugal living because they don't realize that not all tips are right for them. Frugal for a stay-at-home mother of four will be different than frugal for a childless career woman, for example.


You have to sift and choose what works best with your lifestyle and circumstances.


May 15, 2006

I am a natural born thrifter. I have been poorer than a church mouse as well as on top of the mountain. That has never stopped my bargain hunting. I learned about thrifty living early in life since my mom was raising 3 kids on just her salary.


September 26, 2011

Growing up, I was always taught not to hoard. Donate or throw away what you don't use. On the other hand, I learned to buy good once, reuse and be creative, and you never do without.


April 12, 2011

When the worst things occur at the worst times in the worst way, Frugality Rocks!


September 1, 2011

We should try to make thrifty not just doing with less, or spending less, but also thinking how to be globally responsible. You know, rags rather than paper towels, cloth napkins not paper, using a drying rack or clothes line instead of our very wasteful dryers.


June 23, 2006

When you feel like going shopping to buy yourself a treat; give yourself a homemade gift instead. Make a nice cup of tea, cook yourself something yummy...


September 24, 2008

13 years ago, my husband Jerry and I lived in Los Angeles. We owned a business and we were making a lot of money. We decided to give it all up and move to the Ozarks, where life is more simple.


Now that we are living in the Ozarks, we are living on his SDI and my Social Security. It is so beautiful back here. The leaves change in the fall, and usually it snows in the winter.


August 11, 2006

After graduation, most people go out to a big fancy dinner, spend lots of money on graduation gifts and have a big job all lined up. Nope. Not us. For dinner, we enjoyed Hamburger Helper from the $1 section at the grocery store (with free meat from my parents' farm).


August 13, 2006

I was born with a gene that not everyone is born with - the Frugal Gene. I was coming up with ideas to save money and electricity as a kid. My clothes line across my room made of yarn didn't work real well, nor did my idea to turn off all lights and only use candles.


May 11, 2009

With the economic times as they are, I am so thankful that we live the way we do. We have always tried to live within our income and have as few bills as possible. We don't have new cars, fancy clothes, etc. but we have everything we need plus more.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
June 17, 2015

We live in an area where there are lots of trees and woodland critters. A large rat had taken up residence in my neighbor's yard had been killed. My son, who has a mischievous streak a mile wide, asked me if I needed pics for ThriftyFun.


July 1, 2008

My Frugal Journey started when I became a lone parent, my son was 3 years old and I had to find us somewhere to live. I was lucky that I was offered a ...


May 10, 2004

I call this "the 10% rule". Whatever you are using, try using 10% less. Chances are, you won't even notice that 10% is missing.


November 13, 2006

I am happy to say that I grew up in a frugal family. It certainly made a difference. My greatest influence was my father.


December 2, 2009

I started getting serious about being frugal when my husband lost his job. I checked out all the money saving books I could find at the library and by far the most helpful was "The Tightwad Gazette. It was written in the 1990's but is still very helpful.

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