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A cat licking its lips.

Getting a Cat to Use a Pet Drinking Fountain?This is a page about getting a cat to use a pet drinking fountain. There are a number of pet water devices for sale that can be used in place of the traditional water bowl.


Kitty Litter Substitute

Kitty Litter SubstitutesThis is a page about kitty litter substitutes. Some cat owners prefer to use substitute materials in their pet's litter box rather than commercially made products.


Teething Kitten

Teething Kitten AdviceThis is a page about teething kitten advice. Just like human babies, young animals such as kittens go through a teething period. While teething your kitten is likely to begin chewing on everything and feeling some level of discomfort.


Cedar Shavings as Kitty Litter Alternative

Cedar Shavings as Kitty Litter AlternativeI was going to do an experiment on cedar shavings and sheets of paper and ripped up strips of paper as an alternative for regular kitty litter.


Cat in Carrier

Using Cat CarriersThis is a page about using cat carriers. There are ways to make your own pet carriage, and ways to use your carrier that you may not have thought of.


Mixed Breed Cat

Mixed Breed Cat PhotosThis page contains mixed breed cat photos. Most of our feline family members come from many cats in all colors, shapes and sizes with their own unique personalities.


White Cat in Grass

White Cat PhotosThis page contains white cat photos. Cats come in many different colors and sizes. White cats can have blue, gold, green, copper or even odd colored eyes.


Treating and Vet Examining Cat

Treating and Preventing Urinary Tract...This is a page about treating and preventing urinary tract problems in cats. Cats can suffer from a number of urinary tract issues, including but not limited to, infections and blockage.


Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Information and...This is a page about Norwegian Forest Cat breed information and photos. These gentle and friendly cats make great pets.


Couple with Their Pet Cat

Caring for Your Pet CatThis is a page about caring for your pet cat. Providing a safe environment and loving care for your kitty helps to ensure a rewarding relationship between you and your furry friend.


Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains ragdoll breed information and photos. A large, impressive-looking cat breed with a luxurious medium-long coat that looks like a large plush toy with a plumed tail.


Long Haired Cat

Photos of Long Haired CatsThis page contains photos of long haired cats. Long haired kitties come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.


Manx Cat

Manx Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains Manx breed information and photos. These cats are striking in appearance because of their lack of tails, and are known to be good mousers.


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Cat Quit Nursing Her Kittens?My cat has 3 kittens, they are only 25 days old. The last few days she refuses to let them feed. Please can you help as I am at my wits end?


Cat's Body Language

Understanding Your Cat's Body LanguageThis page is about understanding your cat's body language. Just like other animals, cats can express themselves without words.



Himalayan Cat

Himalayan Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains Himalayan breed information and photos. These beautiful, long haired cats are a popular breed.


A cat sitting on the floor.

Training Cats to Stay Off Furniture?This is a page about training cats to stay off furniture. Although it may seem daunting, it is possible to train your cat to stay off of the furniture.


toilet trained cat

Toilet Training Your CatThis is a page about toilet training your cat. Cat owners who would like to do away with the litterbox may consider training their cat to use the toilet instead.


Cat attached to a leash.

Training Your Cat to Walk on a LeashThis is a page about training your cat to walk on a leash. Dogs are not the only pets that enjoy a daily walk outside. Many cats can be leash trained so that they can take their owners for a stroll outside.


Closeup of Cornish Rex cat.

Cornish Rex Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains Cornish Rex breed information and photos. A striking, large eared cat that seem curious about everything around them.


Devon Rex

Devon Rex Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains Devon Rex breed information and photos. An elegant, fragile cat with a distinctive coat who thrives as a human companion.


Orange Tabby

Orange Tabby PhotosTabby is the name for distinctive fur pattern that is found across different breeds of cats. A tabby cat typically has striped fur with an "M" marking on their forehead. This page has orange tabby photos.


A white cat sitting on a couch.

Preventing a Cat from Peeing EverywhereAccidents happen. But, it is a stinky problem when cats stop using the litter box. This page contains suggestions for preventing cats from urinating around the house.


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Kitten Lonely While Owner at Work?My son and I bought kittens in February, one from a shelter and one from a breeder. They have been like siblings for 6 months. Now my son and the shelter kitten moved out.


White cat looking up at the camera.

Removing Tear Stains on White Cats?This is a page about removing tear stains on white cats. White pets often exhibit dark streaky stains on their fur below their tear ducts. These stains are not harmful, but look unattractive.


American Shorthair

American Shorthair Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about American Shorthair breed information and photos. The American Shorthair breed can be traced back to its arrival on the Mayflower. This old breed makes a good pet, but can also be fine living more independently.


Tabby Cat

Tabby Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains tabby breed information and photos. These common domestic cats are full of personality and can help control rodents around the house.


A cat playing in a Christmas tree.

Keeping Cats Out of the Christmas TreeThis is a page about keeping cats out of the Christmas tree. Cats seem to be drawn to Christmas trees, whether to play with the dangling ornaments or to climb up in the branches, they can be persistent.


Orange long haired tabby.

Long Haired Tabby PhotosThis is a page containing long haired tabby photos. Since tabby is actually a color designation rather than a breed of cat, you will find many cats with this lovely striped and whorl pattern.


Closeup of cat paw

Training a Cat to Not ScratchIf left to their own devices cats will scratch just about anything in your home, carpet, furniture, screens, and more. This is a page about training a cat to not scratch.



An orange cat in heat.

How Often Can a Cat be in Heat?This is a page about "how often can a cat be in heat?". While dogs usually only go into heat twice a year, cats can go into heat more frequently.


Bombay Cat

Bombay Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about Bombay breed information and photos. These beautiful black cats, with their distinctive copper eyes, are intelligent, affectionate cats who are a good choice for most families, including those with children.


Cat seeing a veterinarian.

Cat With DiarrheaThis is a page about cat with diarrhea. When your cat has diarrhea it can be stressful for you and your pet. Untreated diarrhea can cause dehydration. Determining the cause, treatment, and whether a trip to the vet is in order are major considerations.


Using Nail Caps on Pets

Using Nail Caps on CatsThis is a page to using nail caps on cats. Many cat owners prefer to not have their pets declawed, however, those pointy, sharp claws do need some type of attention. One option is using nail caps.


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Cleaning the Face of a Short Hair Cat?I have used many solutions to clean my white, exotic, short hair's face. His eyes always water. My vet said to use only water, but it does not clear his eyes from watering and the stains they cause. I have even seen mites. I do use Revolution, but the problem is endless. Thanks.


Cat sitting on the end of a bed.

Keeping Cat Hair Off Your BedThis is a page about keeping cat hair off your bed. Cats just love to get onto things including your bed.


European Shorthair Cat

European Shorthair Cat Information and PhotosThis page contains European shorthair cat information and photos. These recently recognized cats originated in Sweden, and were developed from ordinary domestic cats.


Gray and white domestic shorthaired cat.

Domestic Shorthair Cat Information and PhotosThis is a page about domestic shorthair cat information and photos. The domestic shorthair is not an actual breed, but rather a mixed breed cat with short sleek hair. Due to its mixed ancestry their behavioral characteristics are difficult to predict.


Tuxedo Cat

Tuxedo Cat Information and PhotosThis is a page about tuxedo cat information and photos. Tuxedo defines a cat color, not a breed. A true tuxedo cat will be mostly black with white on the jaw, neck, chest, and paws. These bicolored cats are always ready of a formal event.


A cat eating a houseplant.

Keeping Cats From Eating HouseplantsThis is a page about keeping cats from eating houseplants. Many cats seem to view houseplants as a side salad, much to the frustration of their owners. Additionally, many plants are toxic when ingested.


Domestic Longhair

Domestic Longhair Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about domestic long hair breed information and photos. The domestic longhair is technically not a breed recognized by many cat associations. These mixed breed cats, can be found in many colors and temperaments.


Calico Cat

Calico Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about Calico breed information and photos. Calico refers to the coloration of these sweet, loving, and loyal cats rather than defining an actual breed. Calico cats are generally accepted into many breeds except, for example, pointed breeds, ie. Siamese.


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Senior Cat Losing His Hair?I have a 15 year old cat and he is losing his hair. He has no sores or skin irritations, but he is going bald. Is this normal? He does have an odor about him, but I am sure that is due to his age and his lack of grooming skills now.


A cat eating a plastic bag.

Why Do Cats Like Plastic Bags?This is a page about "Why do cats like plastic bags?". Cat owners often notice that their kitties seem to love to play with plastic bags.


Tortoiseshell Kitten

Diluted Tortoiseshell Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about diluted tortoiseshell breed information and photos. The dilute tortie is often patched with blue and cream areas that appear softened or diluted. Most tortoise shell cats are females, as the color pattern is linked to the X chromosome.




Ragamuffin Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about Ragamuffin breed information and photos. These medium to long haired cats are amazing pets. They are easily groomed and have a loving, calm, sweet temperament that is perfect for individuals or families with children.


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Cat Leaving Black Paw Prints All Over?I am taking care of my aunt's cat, and I leave her 2 containers of water. Lately she started cleaning herself with her drinking water so there are 2 problems with that. First, she is drinking dirty water and secondly she is leaving black paw prints all over my aunt's home.


A Persian cat with long hair.

Reducing Your Cat's Shedding?This is a page about reducing your cat's shedding. Shedding is a normal process of getting rid of dead hair. Unless there is a medical reason causing excess shedding, there are some things you can do to reduce your cat's shedding.


Bengal House Cat

Bengal Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about Bengal breed information and photos. These beautiful, intelligent cats with their spotted fur and large size look like miniature wild cats. They also make great pets.


A large cat hissing.

Dealing With Cats That Don't Get AlongThis is a page about dealing with cats that don't get along. Many cat owners will try to add additional cats to their home, only to find out that the felines don't always get along. It can be difficult to smooth out the squabbling.


Tabby cat curled up in a ball.

Feeding a Cat Tuna Pet Food?Is tuna cat food safe for my cats to eat every day, even if it is not the main ingredient in the canned cat food?


Kitten With Worms

Treating a Kitten With WormsThis is a page about treating a kitten with worms. Kittens can easily get infected with worms of several types. Because of their age and small size you will want to be careful how you attempt to treat them.


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Cat Fighting With Neighborhood Cat?Today my cat came back from wandering and sat near the door where she was going to out of again. Then she saw something outside which caught her attention which wasn't pleasant because 1 of our neighbourhood cats was outside sniffing around my garden.


close up of a cat

Using Flea Drops on Cats?This is a page about using flea drops on cats. A common method of controlling fleas on pets is by the use of topical medications.


Diabetic Cat

Feeding a Diabetic Cat?This page is about feeding a diabetic cat. Consult your veterinarian about food suggestions for your pet's special needs.


Cat walking up to his food dish.

Cat Peeing in its Food?This page is about cat peeing on own food. Sometimes a cat chooses to relieve itself where you least expect it.


soft cat food

Feeding a Cat Soft FoodThis is a page about feeding a cat soft food. Some cat owners prefer to feed their cats soft canned cat food rather than dry kibble.


feeding a cat

Feeding Multiple Cats?This is a page about feeding multiple cats. Trying to feed multiple cats can be difficult.


cat eating tuna

Is Tuna Safe for Cats?This is a page about "Is tuna safe for cats?" Some kitties love the taste of tuna, but you may have concerns about its safety.


Cat peeking over the arm of a purple colored couch.

Keeping Cats from Peeing on FurnitureThis page is about keeping cats from peeing on furniture. Sometimes a cat chooses a place to relieve itself that is not where you want.


A tuxedo cat sitting in front of his food.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?This is a page about how much should I feed my cat. Although the container or bag of cat food will have instructions for the amount to feed your pet, this may not be the best meal size for your cat.


Two cats being introduced to one another.

Tips for Introducing CatsThis is a page about tips for introducing cats. Introducing a new cat into your home with a resident cat(s) should be taken slowly.


cat by bowl

Cat Splashes Water Out of BowlThis is a page about when a cat splashes water out of bowl. Some kitties seem to truly enjoy splashing the water out of their bowl. Fun for them, but probably not so much for you.


A hungry orange cat licking his lips.

Cat is Always Hungry?This is a page about when a cat is always hungry. There are several reasons your cat may always be acting hungry, some requiring a trip to the vet.


Persian Cat

Persian Cat Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about Persian cat breed information and photos. These long haired beauties are an old breed, originating in the middle east.


A cat biting its owners finger.

Training a Cat Not to BiteThis is a page about training a cat not to bite. It is not pleasant to have a pet cat that insists on biting you.


EmeryCat Board

Emery Cat Board ReviewsThis is a page about Emery cat board reviews. Making a decision to buy a pet product can be easier if you are able to read some reviews from other pet owners.


A cat sitting by a container that says cat treats on it.

Homemade Cat Treat RecipesThis page contains homemade cat treat recipes. Making your own cat treats can be satisfying and your kitties will love you even more.


Cats in outside pen.

Flooring for Cat Pen?We have five cats and a dog that use a pen 12 by 8 feet. What should I put down on the ground to help keep the smell down, also to have it comfortable for the animals and safe?


Feeding a Picky Cat

Feeding a Picky CatThis is a page about feeding a picky cat. If your feline friend is sticking up her nose at everything you offer her to eat, it can be very frustrating and expensive.


indoor cat

Cat Peeing Inside After Moving?This is a page about a cat peeing inside after moving. Moving can be stressful for your pets.


Causes of Cat Drooling

Causes of Cat Drooling?This is a page about causes of cat drooling. If you cat begins to salivate excessively, you are probably becoming concerned.


Exotic Shorthair Kitten

Exotic Shorthair - Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about the Exotic Shorthair - breed information and photos. This cat was breed to be a short haired version of the Persian.


4 cute kittens.

Determining the Gender of a Cat?This is a page about determining the gender of a cat. Unlike a dog it can be difficult to determine the gender of a cat, especially a kitten or fixed adult.


British Shorthair

British Shorthair - Breed Information and PhotosThis very popular, compact cat is known for it's dignified and easy going behavior. This page contains British shorthair - breed information and photos.


A cat sitting outside in the woods.

Changing an Outdoor Cat into an Indoor CatThis is a page about changing an outdoor cat into an indoor cat. Some reeducation will be required to make an indoor cat out of one that has lived outside.


Indoor Cats Fighting

Keeping Indoor Cats from Fighting?This is a page about keeping indoor cats from fighting. Indoor cats may squabble over territory and dominance.


Tonkinese Cat

Tonkinese Breed - Information and PhotosThis page contains Tonkinese breed - information and photos. These beautiful, good natured cats are a cross between Siamese with Burmese.


A kitten eating food from a bowl.

Choosing the Right Food for Your Cat?This is a page about choosing the right food for your cat. Cats like their people need food that is chosen to meet their personal dietary needs and to help them thrive.


Tortoiseshell Cats

Tortoiseshell Cat PhotosThis page contains tortoiseshell cats. These multicolored cats have beautiful and interesting markings.



Burmese - Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page about the Burmese - breed information and photos. These beautiful, sable colored cats are known for their excellent temperament, affection for people, and ease with which they can get along with other cats and dogs, as well as their tolerance for children.



Abyssinian - Breed Information and PhotosThis page is about Abyssinian - breed information and photos. Knowing as much as you can about your cat helps to keep you both content.


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Preventing Cats From FightingThis a a guide about preventing cats from fighting. Outdoor cats, as well as indoor ones, can get into scraps over such things as food and territory.


A cat eating catnip.

Growing and Using Catnip (and Cat Grass)This is a page about growing and using catnip (and cat grass). Not all, but many cats love catnip, whether in a toy or nibbled fresh.


Playing With Your Cat

Playing With Your CatThis page is about playing with your cat. Enjoying your house cat can include toys for interactive play.


Christmas tree with colored balloons.

Keeping Kitty Out of Your Christmas TreeI have been dealing with my year old kitty climbing into and knocking over my Christmas tree until I came up with this idea. I blew up balloons and added them to the tree. She jumped in and accidentally popped one causing her to jump off immediately!


Applying Topical Flea Medication on Cats

Applying Topical Flea Medication on PetsThis is a page about applying topical flea medication on cats. Proper application of topical flea medication is not only more effective, but safer for your pet.


Keeping Yarn Away from Cats

Keeping Yarn Away from CatsThis is a page about keeping yarn away from cats. Kitties can easily become hopelessly ensnared in yarn, as they joyfully play with this unintentional toy.


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Cat With Skin Irritation Between Toes?My cat has brown, peeled skin between her toes which she constantly licks. What's wrong with her?


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Cat Reacts Badly to Canned Food?My cat seems to see things after eating canned food, to the point of attacking me. Seriously attacking me!


Two cats lying on a chair.

Problems Applying Cats' Flea Medication?How can I get my two cats' flea medicine on their skin (instead of just in her fur) when their hair is so thick I can't even see their skin?


Cat Meowing

Preventing A Cat From Meowing?This is a page about preventing a cat from meowing. In order to get you cat to stop meowing, you will need to first try to determine the cause.


Sphynx Breed Information

Sphynx Breed Information and PhotosThis page contains Sphynx breed information and photos. The Sphynx hairless cat is a newer striking breed.


Homemade Cat Shelf

Making a Cat ShelfThis is a page about making a cat shelf. There are few things indoor cats love more than a window perch from which to watch the world outside.


Siamese Cat

Siamese Cat Breed Information and PhotosThis is a page containing Siamese cat breed information and photos. The beautiful, intelligent Siamese cat is one of the oldest recognized breeds.


Black cat with a toy mouse.

Organizing Cat ToysThis is a page about organizing cat toys. After you have made the circuit checking under and behind the furniture for the cat's toys, now to organize them.


litterbox in kids' bathroom.

Homemade Cat Litter IdeasThis is a page about homemade cat litter ideas. Many cat owners prefer to make their own cat litter, rather than buy the commercial varieties available at the store.


Young cat on carpeted window perch.

Making a Cat Window PerchThis is a page about making a cat window perch. With a few materials and some time you can easily make your cat a perch.


The new cat scratching post.

Building a Cat Scratching PostThis is a page about building a cat scratching post. Cats love to scratch on things especially furniture. Prevent them from ruining your furniture by giving then an alternative place to sharpen their claws.


A cat door installed in an old door.

Teaching a Cat to Use a Cat DoorThis is a page about teaching a cat to use a cat door. A cat door allows more freedom for an indoor/outdoor cat and is a great solution for having a litter box in an out of the way place. Getting your cat to use the cat door may not be as easy as you would like it to be.


Litter Box Training a Cat, Tabby in litter box.

Litter Box Training a CatThis is a page about litter box training a cat. Training your cat to use a litter box is well worth the effort. Cats being cats, there can be set backs and varying levels of frustration along the way.


Preventing Cats from Scratching Furniture, Kitten with front paws dangling over the front of the couch.

Preventing Cats from Scratching FurnitureThis is a page about preventing cats from scratching furniture. Scratching is a normal part of cat behavior but when our indoor kitties begin to use the furniture, it is time to intervene.


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When to Worm Kittens?At what age do you worm kittens?


Numi and Karma in the dog's bed.

Bulk Honeysuckle for Refilling Cat Toys?Does anyone know of a place where I can purchase bulk honeysuckle to use for refilling cat toys? It is my understanding from the rescue where I got my second kitty that some cats that don't like catnip do enjoy a toy filled with honeysuckle shavings.


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Cat Incontinence?We have a beautiful kitty that has feline herpes and it has come to the point that he is incontinent. He does not know he is peeing or pooping when it happens. We have purchased puppy training mats to put over his beds so we don't have to wash them everyday.


Cat sitting by a window.

Temperament of Female Cats vs. Male Cats?Why are female cats so temperamental and so much different than male cats?


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Caring for a Cat With Jaw Cancer?My 12 year old domestic short hair was just diagnosed with cancer of the jaw. Other than soft food, antibiotics, and pain killers does anyone have any other suggestions?


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Advice for a Cat with Diabetes?My cat was just diagnosed with diabetes. Does anyone have any advice or information I could use?


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Using Manila Rope for a Cat Scratching Post?Can manila rope be used for a scratching post?


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Feeding Three Week Old Kitten?My daughter-in-law (Katrina) has a cat who had 6 kittens about 3 weeks ago. All was well until the last few days, 3 of them were not getting fed or getting any attention from the mother cat, while the remaining 3 were.


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Best Dry Cat Food?Has anyone found a brand and flavor of dry cat food that cats will love to eat? Mine only eat it as a last resort.


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Is Ragweed Poisonous to Cats?Is ragweed poisonous to cats?


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Problems Weaning a Kitten?My cat gave birth about 6 weeks ago and everybody is well into the weaning process, except for one. She refuses to eat cat food, but does still nurse. I'm feeding with dry Kitten Chow and canned Friskies. I have tried putting some of the wet on her paws and mouth to get her to lick it off.


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Keeping My Cats Off of Neighbor's Terrace?How can I keep my cats from entering my neighbor's terrace? We live on the seventh floor and we share one wall.


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